BUSINESS and SCHOOL GARDEN ………………………………………… Urška
This school year we started flirting with an idea of creating business opportunities. Why? Because of the new project Erasmus+, YEE, which encourages pupils to create business involving healthy food.
So we said, why not. And we created first virtual business in our class. We named it Best garden s. p..

It started with autumn garden harvesting. We found a lot.
Plans were tagged with names in Slovene and English and exhibited.

Our garden is BIO and so are our plants. We talked about the meaning of BIO garden and the quality of BIO plants. And of course we advertised being a BIO garden and raised the value of our plants.

After creating a business, we discussed sales and advertising. How could we let the people know that we have a good product? We started with billboard advertisement. We pointed out way of cultivating plants, added some rimes and tried to persuade people to buy our products. How did we do? Would you buy our vegetables?

Then we took a look at the market. Did we forget something? Yes. Produce vendors have a price list. Fist, we wrote the price tags and then wrote the whole price list. We compared our prices and discussed, which product would people buy? Yes, competition is harsh.

We thought a little further and suggested to our potential buyers, how to create a wonderful dishes out of our vegetables.

Finally, we filmed advertising ads. That was a special project. Pupils described every plant and addressed the audience to buy our products.

What do you say? Are you convinced? Would you buy our products? There was talk in the halls, that we are true businesspeople.